During the project’s life will be carried our many activities as planned in the following timetable.


Press conference for presenting the project and its activities

European Event – European Debate about the topic: “Populism and euroscepticism: causes, consequences and solutions”;

Local dialogues  Local dialogues with young about false Myths on EU” – n. 4 local dialogues during these dialogues the young people will discuss about true and false Myths on EU. Participants will be involved in a free discussion about the role of EP after 2020 and the EP election.

Study visit to Europe direct and EU project in Narva

Dinner with the Europe: open discussion about Europe between experts and participants.

/ / EU News


Press conference for presenting the project and its activities

European Event – European Debate about the topic: “Lack of knowledge  about UE and  Media influence”;

Local dialogues  Local dialogues with young about EU, EP election 2019, European policies for young people after 2020, the future of EU.” – n. 4 local dialogues during these dialogues the young people will discuss about true and false Myths on EU. Participants will be involved in a free discussion about the role of EP after 2020 and the EP election.

Study visit to Europe direct and EU project in Victoria

Dinner with the Europe: open discussion about Europe between experts and participants.

/ / EU News


Press conference for presenting the project and its activities

European Event – European Debate about the topic: “High unemployment rate: the competences of EU and possible solutions”;

Local dialogues  Local dialogues with young about “True and false Myths on EU.” – n. 4 local dialogues during these dialogues the young people will discuss about true and false Myths on EU. Participants will be involved in a free discussion about the role of EP after 2020 and the EP election.

Study visit to Europe direct and EU project in Skrad

Dinner with the Europe: open discussion about Europe between experts and participants.

/ / EU News


European Event – Final event to the European parliament with the participation of MEPs and European Commission

Study Visit to European Commission and European Parliament

CONTEST in all partner countries
Contest for video storytelling about their personal vision about the theme “My life with EU and without EU” – Young from 17 to 25 years old.