The network of six cities born with the project “City to city for building our Europe – C2C4EU” after the conclusion of that project has decided to improve their cooperation with a new activity’s plan addressed to contrast the growth of Euroscepticism in each country. During the life of the project C2C4EU project, especially during the events, the partnership has understand how the local population don’t know the EU Institutions and his functions and for these reasons they feel the UE not closer to citizen’s needs. The partnership has tested the necessity to continue these cooperation for involving citizens in open debates about the future of EU. For these reasons the partnership want to improve the network with more cities and countries involved. The partnership has decided a detail programme of debates and dialogues for involving citizens and young new “voters” in an open discussion about the future of EU, the EP election 2019, the civic participation, the tools available for civic participation. The main aim of this project is to improve the debate between citizens on the future of EU. After the economic crisis in the EU the criticism against the EU has had an increase. The citizens see the UE not only as opportunity for free movement of persons, goods, services and capital, mix of cultures but also as a community with over regulation and bureaucracy and with a big gap between citizens and UE Institutions. For this reasons the overall objective of the project is to enlarge and continue a strong, dynamic cooperation of these cities united by a common challenge: to contrast the Euroscepticism by dialogues and debate with citizens, MEPs, policy makers. By the organization of European debates, dialogues and the use of digital tools the citizens from different countries can sharing opinions and learn each one from each other about the EU. For achieving the specific project’s goals will be organized: 8 European Debate, 7 European dialogues with young, 24 Local dialogues, 1 EU contest, implementation of e-platform building with the old project, study visits.

Partner of this new project are the following institutions:
Municipality of Gerace – IT – Leader partner
Municipality of Barcelos – PT – Partner
Municipality of Kistelek – HU – partner
Deputation province of Teruel – ES – partner
Municipality of Narva – Estonia – partner
Municipality of Heraklion – Greece – Partner
Municipality of Victoria – Romania – Partner
Muncipality of Skrad – Croatia – Partner